Monday, 26 October 2020

Natural ingredients that are effective in potency

If you have problems with your libido, it could be a bull's eye. Natural ingredients that affect potency effectively have another advantage. They are safe, unlike their chemical counterparts.

Table of contents

  1. What are the problems with erection?
  2. Natural ingredients for a stronger erection
  3. Diet as a way to get a better erection

What causes erection problems?

First of all, it is worth distinguishing between two issues. The first is the temporary problems with erections. These can happen even in a twenty-year-old boy. So a man who, in theory, should not have problems with potency. The second problem is that the latter are chronic. It is common in men over 50 and 60. But it can, of course, happen earlier.

erection problems

There are many possible reasons for erectile dysfunction and weakened libido. We will focus only on the most common ones. For the sake of simplification and a better overall view, we will divide them into two basic groups.

Physical causes of 'male' problems

  • Age
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Excess drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Thyroid diseases

Mental causes of potency problems

  • Depression
  • Medicines for psychiatric disorders
  • Fear and trauma
  • Sexual disorders

So, as you can see, the reasons can really be different. Before we move on to natural ingredients for a strong erection, one more point which is very important. We use the terms potency, libido and erection problems to some extent interchangeable. However, one has to be aware that they are interrelated, for example, they can result from each other, but not always. However, the solution to one problem, for example, erectile dysfunction, allows for the removal of certain restrictions related to the fear of sex. This has a positive impact on libido. Armed with this knowledge, let us move on to what we are most interested in here.

Natural ingredients for a stronger erection

You have probably heard of them, or at least some of them, because they are extremely popular. We mentioned in the introduction that they are safe. This is true. Most of them have no side effects. If they have any contraindications, we will mark that. However, this does not mean that they can be used without any consideration.

Ginseng for better potency


It is undoubtedly the best known natural ingredient. The plant has a very long history of using its properties in natural medicine. It contains ingredients that have a positive effect on the heart and the entire circulatory system. There is also the part related to erection. The most interesting component of ginseng is the active substance called ginsenosides. They have a direct effect on better potency. Ginseng also improves general well-being. This, in turn, leads to libido.

Japanese gingko not only by heart

Japanese gingko

Although it is the improvement of the latter that is the most frequently mentioned feature of this tree. Japanese gingko under our latitude is mainly available as an extract. It contains over 60 active substances, including strong antioxidants. Thanks to them, among others, it dilates blood vessels. It improves oxygen transport. Thus, Japanese gingko acts on potency problems similarly to the Ginseng-Dream described above.

Ground mace for a strong erection

Ground mace
Without this plant, the list called 'natural ways to potency' would not be complete. Ground mace is found primarily in Africa and Asia. How does it help with potency? It contains antioxidants that improve the erection. That is, firstly. They also affect sperm production. Therefore, terrestrial mace is recommended for couples who are trying to have offspring.

Small-flowered willow tree

Small-flowered willow tree

Slightly less known plant from the group "herbs for potency". However, this does not mean that it is not worth paying attention to. It has a lot of properties. Among other things, it is bactericidal and anti-acne. The willow tree also improves the quality of erections and prolongs their time. Gentlemen over 40 should be interested in this plant for one more reason. It is a natural way to fight prostate overgrowth.

Damiana leaf

Damiana leaf

It is a shrub that occurs primarily in the tropical zone. But you will also find several subspecies of it in Poland. The leaves of this shrub have many useful properties. First of all, Damiana leaves are a very strong aphrodisiac. It is recommended for women and men. Thanks to this ingredient, men are more eager to have sex. It strengthens libido. The plant works similarly for women. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this shrub, you should avoid using it.

These are the most popular ingredients for improving sex, erection and potency. But that is not all you can and should do in case of problems with the above. They can be described as natural ways of potency.

Diet as a way to improve erection

Unhealthy eating habits are a very common cause of potency problems and so on. That is why it is worth looking at what lands on your plates. Perhaps this is what causes the disruption of your sex life. The changes that need to be made are quite simple.

Firstly, you throw away everything that is unhealthy, e.g. animal fats, highly processed products and meat. In the latter case, there is an asterisk. This is about fatty meat. Because a menu that supports potency should include poultry and veal because they contain protein. The ingredient has a direct effect on sexual performance. As you can see, not only herbs for potency will be useful when you have problems, nutrients too.

Diet as a way to improve erection

What should be included in your diet to improve your potency?

  • Vegetables (a wealth of vitamins and fibre for the whole body)
  • Complete milling products (complex carbohydrates)
  • Poultry and veal (protein)
  • Marine fish (including protein and vitamin E)
  • Seafood (extremely important for male libido zinc)
  • Bran, nuts, buckwheat groats (alternative sources of zinc to seafood allergens)
  • Products containing magnesium (bitter chocolate, avocado, walnuts). They reduce stress - a factor negatively influencing potency
  • Aphrodisiacs (bananas, pomegranate fruit, celery, cardamom, basil - the choice is considerable)

From the above mentioned products it is possible to compose a complete menu. Not only as a solution for potency problems. Such a diet will have a positive impact on the whole organism. By the way, it allows you to get rid of a few unnecessary kilograms.Overweight men have problems with libido as well as erection. Additionally, it is worth noting that an efficient organism also has a positive effect on potency.

Diet is one thing, but a change in lifestyle will be useful. From sitting to lying on a little more active. It doesn't have to be a climbing without a belay at El Capitan right away. Regular activity such as running or cycling is enough. Of course, visits to the gym can also help you to save your potency. Measure your strength against your intentions. You should not be too ambitious in your choice of activity. If you haven't moved much so far, throwing yourself in the "deep water" is a chance for an injury, not a chance to save your potency.


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