Monday 16 November 2020

How to ensure the stiffness of a member at the age of 40, 50 and 60?

This topic warms up internet forums for men. The answer to the question of how to ensure the stiffness of a member at the age of 40, 50 and 60 is not easy. To begin with, it is worth understanding where the problems with erection and, more broadly, with potency come from. This knowledge will help to fight them.

Table of content

  1. Erection problems - causes
    1. The most common causes of erection problems
  2. How to ensure the stiffness of a member at the age of 40, 50 and 60? First diet
    1. Homemade ways to erect an erection - herbs
  3. Do you want to revive your libido? Start moving

Erection problems - causes

Let us start with the fact that they can happen even to a  20-year-old man. Too much alcohol may not be the problem. Even though, it is the main cause at this age. It is worth pointing out, however, that this may be a mental problem. At this age, men are afraid that they will not show themselves. They are also afraid that their skills are not enough. This can block the 'erection' and the libido in general.

Erection problems - causes

However, let us focus on the causes typical to 40-year-old men or those even older. In this case, the causes are usually similar. They differ in severity. Of course, the older a man is, the more problems can be experienced.

The most common causes of erection problems

  • Age
  • Diseases such as hypertension, urinary tract disorders, stroke
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Dependencies (alcohol, cigarettes)
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Mental problems (depression, anxiety disorders)
  • Some of the medicines taken
  • Problems with hormones

There are a lot of these reasons. Of course, not all of them will occur in the average 40, 50 and 60 year olds causing erection problems. However, it is usually a combination of a few factors that can be dealt with. By making some changes to everyday life. These changes will additionally support the functioning of the whole organism and help to take care of health.

How to ensure the stiffness of a member at the age of 40, 50 and 60? First diet

Usually at this point in time, disbelief appears. How will a "normal" change of diet solve erection problems? The answer is quite simple. What we eat, i.e. what ingredients we supply to the body, has a huge impact on the body. For example, too much animal fat on the menu can lead to overweight as well as circulation problems. Both of these can cause erectile dysfunction. Let us remember that the body is a large set of connected vessels.

ow to ensure the stiffness of a member

A diet with erection problems should include:

  • Complex carbohydrates at the expense of simple sugars - they provide, above all, part of the energy needed for everyday life. They are one of the elements of a diet that allows you to lose weight, so they also affect your libido. The best sources of complex carbohydrates are whole-grain products, such as rye bread, oatmeal; bran, brown rice and thick groats.
  • Protein - Must be present in the menu, but too much protein can be harmful. It happens to men who want to increase their weight in a short time. However, providing it in the diet also has an impact on potency because protein acts on testosterone. Dairy products, legumes, eggs and fish should be included in the diet.
  • Healthy fats - here we should mention flaxseed oil. The menu should include avocado, nuts. The fish mentioned above, especially sea fish, also provide Omega fatty acids.
  • Vegetables - these are mainly due to the presence of certain minerals and vitamins essential for erectile dysfunction and reduced libido. In addition, vegetables improve the management of the digestive system. It has an impact on many aspects related to the functioning of the whole organism.

Aphrodisiacs are also worth mentioning as a separate group. Seafood is the most common group in this context. The fact is that it is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. This is due to the presence of zinc. Typically a male element responsible for libido and potency. Unfortunately, seafood is often allergic.

A diet with erection problems should include

They are not the only aphrodisiac. It is worth adding some spices, e.g. ginger, basil, saffron and vanilla, fruits, such as pomegranate, bananas, strawberries, and sweets including honey or chocolate to the menu.

Homemade ways to erect an erection - herbs

It is a large group of natural helpers. Many of these herbs are used in "ready-made products to solve problems with erectile dysfunction, or more broadly, libido.

  1. Ginseng - mentioned first not without reason. It is the most famous plant in the context of combating erectile dysfunction. At the same time, this herb strengthens the sexual drive. It can be used both at the age of 40 and in older men.
  2. Japanese gingko - another plant recommended as a way to strengthen the erection. Gingko is a plant containing a large group of strong antioxidants. Thanks to its composition it has a positive effect on blood circulation. This has a direct impact on solving problems with erectile dysfunction.
  3. Lübeck - in principle it should appear in the spices. This is how this plant is used most often. Lubczyk contains essential oils and other ingredients, the main task of which is to dilate blood vessels. This directly leads to a longer and fuller erection.
  4. Ground mace - a plant found primarily in Asia and Africa. Its properties have been known and used for centuries. Here again, strong antioxidants play a major role. They influence, among other things, testosterone levels. The mace also has a direct effect on male libido.
  5. Korean ginseng - the more famous one is distinguished by its appearance. It contains mainly antioxidants as well as ingredients supporting the nervous system. Thanks to them, the plant has a positive influence on the mood and reduces stress. The herb also has a direct effect on erection disorders.

Do you want to revive your libido? Start moving

It does not matter whether you are 40 or over six decades old. Physical activity will allow you to take care not only of your libido, but above all of your whole body. To keep it fit for as long as possible.

Regular activity also has an impact on your mood and self-esteem. The latter can even lift up. This, in turn, can affect your libido. A good mood also affects them. That is why it is worthwhile to decide on some form of physical activity.

Do you want to revive your libido

We leave the choice to you. You know yourselves best. You know what you can afford, and what condition of the body is. And if you don't know it, then turning 40 is a good time for a comprehensive medical examination.

One last piece of advice. In fact, this topic has already been raised. If you want to ensure the stiffness of the member, but also to help potency, it will be necessary to get rid of the stress. Or at least reduce it significantly. Unfortunately, stress can have a very negative impact on male sex life.


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